Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
All transportation changes need to be in writing by 11 a.m.
Emailing an office staff member or teacher is not a reliable way to communicate changes because there is no guarantee the email will be read prior to dismissal.
In addition, a student verbally telling a teacher of a transportation change is not a consistent and safe way to communicate changes as there is often miscommunication.
While we know this is a change in procedure, we also know a written note given to the teacher ensures all students will get home as parents intend. Student safety is of great importance and we appreciate your cooperation with communicating transportation changes in writing.
To ensure student safety, you must have a numbered hang tag in your front window in order to pick a student up. If you do not have a tag for some reason, you will need to park, come into the office, and verify your identity at the front desk.
The car lane begins moving through the parking lot at 2:15 p.m. and we appreciate you waiting to enter the parking lot until this time. This is to allow parents picking up students early for appointments, as well as day care vans, into the parking lot.
To help be fair to all, please turn right into the parking lot. While the line may seem long, turning right into the parking lot helps keep the line moving in a fair manner.
All bus riders must have a transportation tag on their backpacks. Tags are checked at the bus by a teacher before a student is allowed on the bus. If a student forgets their backpack, they must get either a temporary pass or a new transportation tag.
All walkers are dismissed from the back door located near the portable classrooms.
If you have arrived at school to walk with your child please meet them at the back door, not the office.