Fayette County Public Schools may use NTI (non-traditional instruction) in place of traditional closings or delays because of severe weather. We hope this allows students to continue learning online when weather makes it unsafe to attend school in person. This option also lets us avoid extending the school year to make up for weather-related cancellations. You will know in advance if NTI days will be used.
On NTI days, your child will bring home their school computer, if parents opted to have the Chromebook sent home. Students will do work that is assigned to them on Google Classroom. Your child will have three days to turn in any work that is assigned on NTI days. Teachers will have office hours from 8 to 10 a.m. (through a Zoom link) for any questions. They will share the link where you can log on and communicate with your teacher for help on ClassDojo.
District Resources:
Tech Support
Help Desk: (859) 381-HELP (4357)
FCPS Weather Guidelines